[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css=”.vc_custom_1491318769496{margin-top: -90px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”19005″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” qode_css_animation=””][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css=”.vc_custom_1491318747618{margin-top: -10px !important;}”][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_empty_space height=”20px” css=”.vc_custom_1490564235697{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1490561710482{padding-top: 10px !important;}”]Challenges may include…
- Sharing their gift, talents and abilities fully
- Are afraid to do what they really love doing
- Afraid of charging for their services and products
- Not sure how to make a sustainable income
- Not sure how to market and promote
- Not sure how much to charge
- Not sure how to get more clients-make more money
You’ll Learn:
- How to offer packages
- How much to price
- How to offer products online
- How to make money from clients worldwide
- How to sell and promote
- How to use youtube and facebook to get more clients
And so much more !
“I listened to the first audio of the $5000/month program, and just a few minutes into it, I felt a pure sense of power/intention/energy, like I’m fully aligned with my higher self and I have the power to manifest/do/accomplish whatever I want to. The audio includes lots of useful tips for setting and accomplishing goals and making money doing what you love. After the session, I keep getting ideas for marketing my business (which is my main objective right now), and I implement them immediately without fear. I feel good about my finances and my financial future, and saving money seems easier than it was before.”
~ Amanda Miller” show_quote_icon=”yes” background_color=”#a5a5b7″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”element_from_fade” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”center” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”20px” css=”.vc_custom_1490564235697{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][blockquote text=”
She will recoup her investment and more!
“Earn $5000 a month program is fantastic“ – over the years I have purchased a number of self help programs but none have inspired me to push myself to new boundaries like this one! It has inspired me to record a series of audio cds using my skills as a hypnotherapist and counsellor .
I will be reaching out to people who are emotional eaters and offering them help to heal their root issues around emotional eating with Infinity Healing.
The course has taught me to offer deals to my clients not just individual items. As these cds take off, I have no doubt that I will easily recoup the course cost back and more, so it is a great investment in me.
Tarek makes the course fun and easy to listen to and offers practical advise on how to achieve your goals.
The best part is that I don’t feel so alone when trying to put my thoughts into action. I know if I get stuck I can email Tarek for help or reach out to the other students on the course to exchange ideas. Best program of this kind on the market… value, value, value!”
~ Rosanna Francis
” show_quote_icon=”yes” background_color=”#a5a5b7″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”element_from_fade” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”center” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”20px” css=”.vc_custom_1490564235697{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][blockquote text=”Wealth of Information !
“Tarek gave us so much support in the Earn $5000 a Month Calls for 6 months. These calls were recorded so we could listen to them again. They were packed with a wealth of information, encouragement and homework. Tarek always asked for our questions and wanted to know how we were doing.
Thank you so much for all your wonderful work, Tarek!!”
~ Bonnie Gogerty” show_quote_icon=”yes” background_color=”#a5a5b7″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][blockquote text=”“After listening to Tarek on a Telesummit I got the giggles. I was so happy, It has been so long since I really had a good laugh about anything. I felt so good to know I could laugh again. Listening to many telesummits and not really experiencing anything this was wonderful to feel the joy and hear the giggles come out of me like they did many years ago. It happened so quickly I was amazed. Tarek is amazing and his work happens instantly.
So much love and joy is in me. Thank you Tarek.”
~ VS
” show_quote_icon=”yes” background_color=”#a5a5b7″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”element_from_fade” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”center” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”20px” css=”.vc_custom_1490564235697{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]
- Learn how to earn 5,000 a month from your services
- Learn how to reach more clients
- Learn how to charge more for your services
- Learn how to promote yourself
- Learn how to reach thousands of people easily worldwide
- Learn how to Learn how to receive passive income
- Learn how to work half the time and double your income
- Learn how to work from home and live anywhere in the world
And so much more

What makes me and my healing different is that it is completely dedicated to helping lightworkers, healers, empaths and people who want to do good in the world.
The healing is not for everyone.
Its for those who feel they need a deeper more powerful boost and healing. Many of my clients are healers themselves and have tried many different modalities with no success till they try the Infinity Healing.
The results are most of the times instant and huge. This program not only contains wisdom I learnt from programs that cost more than $75,000 but I have also evolved those techniques so they remain heart centered and aligned with my values.
Not only will you learn the systems that will work for you as they work for everyone else, you will also be receiving Infinity Healing running through each module in this life changing Course.
Why am I so confident that this will work for you?
If you know my story, growing up I was drilled with the beliefs that I was stupid and not good enough. So if I was able to do it then you could definitely do it! 99% of success comes from your mindset.
The Infinity Healing will take care of that and so you simply need to listen and then take action after each class! I was able to go from broke, 30,000 debt, to making 10,000 in 10 months without the healing.
So you have the ability to exceed that if you so desire. But to play it safe, I changed the number to 5,000 a month. With this system you decide how much you want and you simply spend more time to make more.
It becomes a fun numbers game that puts you in charge of your finances. Yes you will need to go out of your comfort zone, Yes you will need to go above and beyond what you have done before. But at least now you know exactly what must be done.
The Infinity Technique Will Also Help You To…
- Reach your perfect audience
- Experience more financial freedom and empowerment
- Play a bigger game
- Dream Bigger than you ever have before
- Make a bigger impact on the planet

I can keep going, This program will cover everything we know can be done as well as all that we are not aware of, whatever starts doing these programs will continue working with you automatically on auto pilot.
This will help you on all levels of your life: Physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually.
Are you ready to earn at least 5,000 a month while doing what you love?

You have found your gifts, talents and abilities. You have started your business. You are self employed. You have clients but not enough. You make money but not enough. You do everything yourself. You get tired, confused and overwhelmed. You are not sure what to do to get more clients and make more money. You want to share your gifts talents and abilities with the world but are not sure how to or maybe a little afraid of that. You have already been certified in one if not many modalities or trainings.
Who You Are
What Your Challenges Tend to Be
You may not be charging for your gifts, talents and abilities. If you are charging you may be under charging.
You may feel you have downplay who you are or what you do so that “normal” people will get you or accept you.
You may be in a career that is helping people but only through a socially accepted role example: you are healer and so you ended up being a nurse or psychologist. You may be catering the wrong people. You may wonder how will I connect with those that get me and my work. You may feel there are not enough people out there who would be interested in what you do.
What You Need Most Right Now
You need to learn how to reach more clients and make more money EASILY, EFFORTLESSLY. How to reach those that you are meant to be of service to.How to connect with your authentic soul tribe. How to market your talents. What to charge. How to market to them. How to do all this from a place of integrity and authenticity where it feels loving and natural.
You must learn the easy way of using technologies like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube…
You are ready to start feeling more fulfilled, more aligned and more empowered in your life.
How The 6 Figure Spiritual Entreprenuer program can help you
This unique program is designed to give you a step by step formula to follow. When you enroll you receive a high value curriculum made up of 12 modules for a 3 month period. These Classes are downloadable audios that you can keep for the rest of your life and refer back to them whenever you need to.
Your classes also come with recommended books and assignments and will be delivered to you bi-weekly online.
You can speed things up by booking your one hour one on one Infinity Healing session with Tarek to get mentoring-coaching-healing and clarity about your next year, so that you are off to a great start, knowing where and what to focus on.
Many healers spend so much time investing in learning healing modalities and almost always never spend money learning how to reach more clients and make more money. Tarek is fully dedicated his life purpose to helping 200,000 Lightworkers thrive doing what they love so we can reach the critical mass and co-create heaven on earth Now! Join us in this mission.
Here’s what’s included in the package
Achieve Your Goals and Dreams
- Managing your goals
- Prioritizing your goals
- How to Learn anything easily
- Strategically maintaining your energy
- 100 ways to make more money Technique
- 100 ways to get more clients Technique
- Planning ahead
- Systematizing your process
And so much more

Start Charging Your Worth
- Learn how much to charge
- Learn how to charge more and more each year
- How to keep increasing your confidence
- Finding out your ideal clients
- Finding out your special offer
- Managing your finances
- How to speak directly to your audience
And so much more

Reach Your Audience
- How to build an email list
- How to get sign ups
- How to develop a relationship with your clients
- What to offer your clients as a gift
- How to know what your clients biggest issues are
- How to create a newsletter
- How to know your exact life purpose
- How to know exactly who to cater to
And so much more

Create Your Own Audio Programs
- Know what to create in your audio program
- How to record them
- How to send the audios
- How to receive money passively
- How to offer sessions worldwide
- How to record your skype sessions
- How to create videos for youtube
And so much more

How to Know Your Brand
- What to post on your social media
- Focus on your ideal clients core pains
- Learn how to do anything
- How to create youtube videos
- How to tag your videos
- How to title your videos
- How to get subscribers from youtube
And so much more

Manage Your Time
- Having an online calendar
- How to manage your time
- How to schedule your day
- How to sustain your energy
- Creating your bliss list
- Having a balance between your work and play
- Tracking and celebrating your accomplishments
And so much more

Experience More Bliss
- Create your bliss list
- Plan 3 mini vacations a year
- Track and celebrate your milestones
- Dream big list
- Giving back to causes you believe in
And so much more

Know Your Ultimate Purpose
- Find out your ultimate goal
- Creating your Facebook profile
- What to share and post on your social media
- How to create images for your social media
- How to get anything you need for your business for $5 or more
And so much more

How to Grow Your List
- How to create your own conference calls
- How to convert listeners to clients
- How to request testimonials from your clients
- How to offer packages
- How to get on telesummits
- How to create your signature program
And so much more

ITEM 10:
Create Your Package
- Know how many session to include
- Get out of charging per hour
- Writing out modules for your program
- The ultimate secret strategy to get more clients
- Offer a free 15 minute strategy session
- How to get your clients to pay you without selling to them
And so much more

This program saved me over $150,000
“I heard your entity call-but no money. Pre-miracle: a friend paid an old debt and on a leap of faith I started the system.
Miracle 1: NEXT DAY the bank calls, apologizing for “the delay” -and giving a precious answer to an important question (even with the ombudsman’s help, they had ignored me for a year).
Miracle 2: Two days later, based on the bank’s document- I refused and counter offered: I’d give my brothers 25% and nothing more.
Miracle 3: THEY ACCEPTED IT! Today their lawyer wrote that the convention would be ready in a couple of days… pre-approved by all of his clients. Am still waiting for it, but the way it is looking, this program will have saved me around $150,000 USD!!
Bonus miracle: my little one refused the potty -Preschool warned me I had a couple of months to change that or we would be an extra year in toddler class. Well… since this week, we have NOT used one single diaper!!!
Bonus miracle 2: out of the blue someone I don’t even know recommended me to translate a convention in a few days -after offering my services for 3 years to no avail! The $1,250 USD for that little week will be VERY welcome, thanks, as I’ve had zero income since my pregnancy! My job is impossible with a child – and if this soul chose ME (single, 44 at the time and with a “snow-plow” personality) I guess she picked herself the best Rottweiler!! I want to be all there for her, especially in these epic times… Been looking forward for this spiritual fight since forever (!!) but didn’t really expected to be penniless AND have my firstborn when it finally came
Here’s the latest miracle: I also found this week two properties for the price of one that would compensate for the percentage I AM paying the brothers.
Thank you from the heart, Tarek. I really WAS at the end of my rope.”
~ Claudia Calvo, Costa Rica
$100,000 in school debt suddenly disappeared
“I first was introduced to Tarek Bibi via a tele-conference -the very day after seeing my Guru speak. It was auspicious to begin Tarek’s program during that high charged time period after seeing my Guru:)
I was having self destructive tendencies, had major financial obstacles , and was living in fear…
Two days after I had my one on one session with Tarek, I received a call telling me that I had been accepted to special program for graduate school loan repayment. Essentially they told me about an incredible repayment program and enrolled me on the spot.
I had so much fear and denial about repaying my school loans and suddenly they were not an issue and suddenly over $100,000 in school debt suddenly disappeared.
While I have had a lot of help from many spiritual healers over the past few months (even my immediate financial situation has changed with random reimbursements in the mail), Tarek’s work speaks directly to my soul. His energy work is consistently potent and powerful. His compassion is inspirational. The last time l listened to one of Tarek’s healings, I saw the biggest dragon fly of my life flying around me:)
If you want your life to shift, then buy his program!”
~ Christine, Medical student, USA
Instant Job Manifestation
“I shared the program with my daughter. Right after she listened to one of your clearing call, people showed up to help her on her job seeking and she is working for her first job now. I felt that your clearings are very very powerful.
Thanks again for your wonderful work Tarek.”
Best regards
~ Cheryl Liu
She Instantly Felt empowered and took immediate inspired action!
“I listened to the first audio of the $5000/month program, and just a few minutes into it, I felt a pure sense of power/intention/energy, like I’m fully aligned with my higher self and I have the power to manifest/do/accomplish whatever I want to. The audio includes lots of useful tips for setting and accomplishing goals and making money doing what you love. After the session, I keep getting ideas for marketing my business (which is my main objective right now), and I implement them immediately without fear. I feel good about my finances and my financial future, and saving money seems easier than it was before.”
~ Amanda Miller
She will recoup her investment and more!
“Earn $5000 a month program is fantastic” – over the years I have purchased a number of self help programs but none have inspired me to push myself to new boundaries like this one! It has inspired me to record a series of audio cds using my skills as a hypnotherapist and counsellor .
I will be reaching out to people who are emotional eaters and offering them help to heal their root issues around emotional eating with Infinity Healing.
The course has taught me to offer deals to my clients not just individual items. As these cds take off, I have no doubt that I will easily recoup the course cost back and more, so it is a great investment in me.
Tarek makes the course fun and easy to listen to and offers practical advise on how to achieve your goals.
The best part is that I don’t feel so alone when trying to put my thoughts into action. I know if I get stuck I can email Tarek for help or reach out to the other students on the course to exchange ideas. Best program of this kind on the market… value, value, value!”
~ Rosanna Francis
She created new packages!
“The earn 5000 dollars a month club has been life changing. Thanks to the wonderful suggestions of Tarek, I have redesigned my website, created new packages that I offer clients, I have also created products and classes to meet the needs of my clients.
I have set up a Facebook group that allows me to get instant feedback from past clients so that I can tailor my offerings to my niche. The information that he provided has broadened my circles and contacts. It has also helped me to see my own value.
This is definitely a club worth joining!”
Wealth of Information!
“Tarek gave us so much support in the Earn $5000 a Month Calls for 6 months. These calls were recorded so we could listen to them again. They were packed with a wealth of information, encouragement and homework. Tarek always asked for our questions and wanted to know how we were doing.
Thank you so much for all your wonderful work, Tarek!!”
~ Bonnie Gogerty
She instantly manifested a Job!
“I was at the time of starting the program trying to feed my 4 children, and granddaughter and myself on $5 a day which was so hard as a loaf of bread is $1. Soon after starting the program I managed to get a part time job just round the corner from our house, and my hours have increased. I then met a doctor who is offering an alternative product that will assist the many HIV patients here in Zimbabwe so that has also lifted my spirits as I work on marketing this with him, and at every opportunity I can offer the Infinity Healing.
After listening to it, it was amazing how things started changing within myself, within a couple of days I implemented contracts and put an end to people who were not paying and not respecting the space.
The changes I have experienced have been so incredible because it was like a business spirit stepped into my being giving me guidance and direction as well as letting me stand up for myself and stop thinking that if I stood up for myself I was not spiritual. I also realised clearly how I had a deep block within myself where I could not see spiritual work bringing in an income.
It is amazing how I am able to really see clearly what is being played out with people and I know that all these shifts and changes are due to the Infinity Healing and the 5000 a month recording and I thank you. I know I will come out of this better than I could even expect.
The program has given me such direction on where I want to be although I am not financially out of the woods yet I feel such peace inside as I know that all will be okay. I have also been in touch with an organisation to help special needs children and their parents, this is my passion
Thank you thank you so much I am eternally grateful”
~ Jacquie Wilkinson
Harare Zimbabwe
She got clear on exactly what I can offer that is different and unique
“The suggestions you make are great and the infinity healing makes this unique. There is a lot of sound methodology. I plan to implement the idea journal.
I like the use of “juicy desire” instead of goal.
For about the last 2 months I have been feeling guided to focus more on my healing work and let go of the website and marketing stuff trusting that it won’t be lost or wasted. after hearing the second one I realized it was something that I needed.
The infinity healing helped and I got clear on exactly what I can offer that is different and unique. I will spend this week implementing it as well as some of the suggestions you offered in the audio.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and healing gifts.”
Kindest regards
~ Crystal willingham
She got clear on exactly what I can offer that is different and unique
“The suggestions you make are great and the infinity healing makes this unique. There is a lot of sound methodology. I plan to implement the idea journal.
I like the use of “juicy desire” instead of goal.
For about the last 2 months I have been feeling guided to focus more on my healing work and let go of the website and marketing stuff trusting that it won’t be lost or wasted. after hearing the second one I realized it was something that I needed.
The infinity healing helped and I got clear on exactly what I can offer that is different and unique. I will spend this week implementing it as well as some of the suggestions you offered in the audio.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and healing gifts.”
Kindest regards
~ crystal willingham
She became energetically aligned with success
“I’m part way into Tarek’s Earn $5,000 a Month program, and am really enjoying it.
He’s got it jam-packed full of value. Not only does he offer sound, smart business advice, but he’s infused each audio with Infinity Healing to help you energetically align with success.”
~ Erin Lloyd
Founder of Holistic Prevention & Wellness
You will get back your whole investment for those of you that are familiar with me you know that I set strong intentions for anyone who invests with me that they receive all they invest back 1000 fold instantly in infinite ways. that they receive it all back financially, spiritually, emotionally and on all levels. Many have experienced instant shifts as soon as they made their investments
About Tarek Bibi:
Tarek Bliss Bibi is an Indigo Child. He has changed the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide. He works with business women and individuals on the spiritual path to help them Thrive Doing What They Love! He is a healers healer. Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality ,that is being recognised as one of the most powerful healing modalities out there, he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have not been able to achieve their results eslewhere.
Tarek Bibi, aka. Mr. Miraculous, a facilitator of inner transformation helps you transcend your emotional and psychological blocks at their core level to Live your Life Miraculously! Many of our blocks stem from childhood experiences and now they are manifesting in our relationships, businesses and health. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, a star seed, an earth angel, and a light worker. He earns the name Mr. Miraculous because of the breakthroughs he has assisted his clients in achieving.