Many clients spend 95% of their time doing things that don’t really make them more money. By following the strategy, you will shift into focusing at least 50% of your time on the things that will make you more money. Many are surprised how easy and clear things can be. You now control how much you want to earn.
Many people go from one program to another. From one course to another. There is a deep rooted fear, resistance and block stopping them from following through. This program contains a silent Infinity Healing running through it to clear all that is in the way of you being able to implement what you learn.
Here is the best part. 95% of success comes from having the right mindset, the right thoughts, the right beliefs and putting out the right emotions. The Infinity healing has been placed into this program to help with exactly that. To clear everything in the way of you succeeding by clearing these blocks from where they stem from. We have not found this in any other training out there.
Many of my students give away so much for free. Many are over giving and under receiving. many are not charging what they should be charging based on their experience. Many are not good at selling themselves, and at charging for their services. Many are not sure how to market, package and to use social media to help them reach their tribe.
We have helped thousands of people over the years clear their blocks, follow simple strategies and experience financial abundance by attracting their perfect clients who are happy to pay them for their services.
I myself have invested over $100,000 over the last 9 years learning from the best of the best. Acquiring knowledge and wisdom about how to succeed in business.
What makes this different is that, it is geared towards empaths, healers and light workers. people who want to do good in the wold. to make the world a better place. people who want to share their gifts talents and abilities with the right people.
so many of the techniques taught elsewhere are not being used here because they are old school, they are outdated, they are manipulative and fear based. We do things from a place of integrity and abundance.
Here are some more inspiring success stories from our students:
She Instantly Felt empowered and took immediate inspired action!
“I listened to the first audio of the $5000/month program, and just a few minutes into it, I felt a pure sense of power/intention/energy, like I’m fully aligned with my higher self and I have the power to manifest/do/accomplish whatever I want to. The audio includes lots of useful tips for setting and accomplishing goals and making money doing what you love. After the session, I keep getting ideas for marketing my business (which is my main objective right now), and I implement them immediately without fear. I feel good about my finances and my financial future, and saving money seems easier than it was before.”
~ Amanda Miller
She will recoup her investment and more!
“Earn $5000 a month program is fantastic” – over the years I have purchased a number of self help programs but none have inspired me to push myself to new boundaries like this one! It has inspired me to record a series of audio cds using my skills as a hypnotherapist and counsellor .
I will be reaching out to people who are emotional eaters and offering them help to heal their root issues around emotional eating with Infinity Healing.
The course has taught me to offer deals to my clients not just individual items. As these cds take off, I have no doubt that I will easily recoup the course cost back and more, so it is a great investment in me.
Tarek makes the course fun and easy to listen to and offers practical advise on how to achieve your goals.
The best part is that I don’t feel so alone when trying to put my thoughts into action. I know if I get stuck I can email Tarek for help or reach out to the other students on the course to exchange ideas. Best program of this kind on the market… value, value, value!”
~ Rosanna Francis
She created new packages!
“The earn 5000 dollars a month club has been life changing. Thanks to the wonderful suggestions of Tarek, I have redesigned my website, created new packages that I offer clients, I have also created products and classes to meet the needs of my clients.
I have set up a Facebook group that allows me to get instant feedback from past clients so that I can tailor my offerings to my niche. The information that he provided has broadened my circles and contacts. It has also helped me to see my own value.
This is definitely a club worth joining!”
Wealth of Information !
“Tarek gave us so much support in the Earn $5000 a Month Calls for 6 months. These calls were recorded so we could listen to them again. They were packed with a wealth of information, encouragement and homework. Tarek always asked for our questions and wanted to know how we were doing.
Thank you so much for all your wonderful work, Tarek!!”
~ Bonnie Gogerty
She instantly manifested a Job!
“I was at the time of starting the program trying to feed my 4 children, and granddaughter and myself on $5 a day which was so hard as a loaf of bread is $1. Soon after starting the program I managed to get a part time job just round the corner from our house, and my hours have increased. I then met a doctor who is offering an alternative product that will assist the many HIV patients here in Zimbabwe so that has also lifted my spirits as I work on marketing this with him, and at every opportunity I can offer the Infinity Healing.
After listening to it, it was amazing how things started changing within myself, within a couple of days I implemented contracts and put an end to people who were not paying and not respecting the space.
The changes I have experienced have been so incredible because it was like a business spirit stepped into my being giving me guidance and direction as well as letting me stand up for myself and stop thinking that if I stood up for myself I was not spiritual. I also realised clearly how I had a deep block within myself where I could not see spiritual work bringing in an income.
It is amazing how I am able to really see clearly what is being played out with people and I know that all these shifts and changes are due to the Infinity Healing and the 5000 a month recording and I thank you. I know I will come out of this better than I could even expect.
The program has given me such direction on where I want to be although I am not financially out of the woods yet I feel such peace inside as I know that all will be okay. I have also been in touch with an organisation to help special needs children and their parents, this is my passion
Thank you thank you so much I am eternally grateful”
~ Jacquie Wilkinson
Harare Zimbabwe
She got clear on exactly what I can offer that is different and unique
“The suggestions you make are great and the infinity healing makes this unique. There is a lot of sound methodology. I plan to implement the idea journal.
I like the use of “juicy desire” instead of goal.
For about the last 2 months I have been feeling guided to focus more on my healing work and let go of the website and marketing stuff trusting that it won’t be lost or wasted. after hearing the second one I realized it was something that I needed.
The infinity healing helped and I got clear on exactly what I can offer that is different and unique. I will spend this week implementing it as well as some of the suggestions you offered in the audio.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and healing gifts.”
Kindest regards
~ Crystal willingham